Tag Archives: hipsters

Late-Night Abjection: Wallowing in Moral Turpentine

I’ve been spending the last few hours wallowing in the world of renowned philosoper, metaphysician, and podiatrist Brother Theodore (1906-2001).  Do yourself a favor: quit Keeping Up With the Kardashians and start Turning On to Brother Theodore.  From Letterman, if you can believe it:


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Hello Again

I’ve been watching some of the fascinating Warhol Screen Tests–and between films, I’ve been surfing around for other Warhol shorts. I had totally forgotten this mess, Andy’s video for the by-1984-past-their-prime Cars. Enjoy this uncensored version while it’s available; the “official,” painfully phony and “ironic” censored version is available here, if you’re interested enough to do a quick compare/contrast.

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I’ve got Pabst Blue Ribbon on my mind

Surely the fauxhemians who chug PBR would (ironically) be into this beautifully remastered spot? PBR should be running it in Prime Time!

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