Category Archives: Digressions: ACA

Silent (But Deadly) Night

What you’re missing by not watching late-night tv.

According to the manufacturer’s website, the Better Marriage Blanket “makes a great gift for weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.” I’m surprised that there isn’t a button so that betrothed couples can register for it.

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Down with all kings but King Ludd!

From Chumbawamba’s agit-pop a-cappella-punk classic English Rebel Songs 1218-1914; “The Triumph of King Ludd” starts at about 6:50.

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The World Must Be Rebarbarised

Alasdair Roberts, “Ned Ludd’s Rant”

If you find yourself craving more of Mr Roberts’s work, visit him at his website and download yourself a free song while you’re there!

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The Raoul World

Raoul Vaneigem’s entire The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967) is online for free! Now I guess I’ll have to get around to reading it:

“The belief in the magical power of technology goes hand in hand with its opposite, the movement of disenchantment. The machine is the model of the intelligible. There is no mystery, nothing obscure in its drive-belts, cogs and gears; it can all be explained perfectly. But the machine is also the miracle that is to transport man into the realms of happiness and freedom. Besides, this ambiguity is useful to its masters: the old con about happy tomorrows and the green grass over the hill operates at various levels to justify the rational exploitation of men today. Thus it is not the logic of disenchantment that shakes people’s faith in progress so much as the inhuman use of technical potential, the way that its mystical justification begins to grate.” (from Chapter 9)

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What’s in your barista’s messenger bag?

Samsung bashes the iPhone 4 with Mac’s own “cultural creative” stick.

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Under the Umbrella

Errol Morris, Tink, and the messy conspiracies of history.

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And now, a word from our sponsor: Remco Transistor Radio

“It’s a real radio, and it works great!”

Every boy — including this one — wants a Remco toy!

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Better Living Through Television

Ralph and Ed peer far into the future (and yes, “Better Living Through Television” is the actual name of the episode).

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